Sunday 22 October 2023

Wedding Trend Alert;Brooch Bouquets..

Brooch Bouquets are very much different from the usual flower bouquets. 

They are jazzed up in a way to make your special day much more unique to YOU.
 With a mix of brooches,stones,crystals and sometimes even buttons, you can personalize your bouquets in a special way that you could be the only one with your particular bouquet for your special day,which you could then keep afterwards.

They are a lot more vintage in nature with a mix of the old and the new.

Your something new,something old,something borrowed,or just something of a sentimental value could all be added in your bouquet.

Vintage Brooch Bouquet

Brooch designer bouquets

Wedding Brooch Bouquets

Brooches from your mum,grandma, even a locket of you and your partner,your kids,pets all could be added for your big day!

The possibilities are just endless as to what you can achieve, than just a floral flower arrangement that is just tossed into the crowd at the end of the day.

Timeless is the word! As not just wedding dresses can be passed down for generations, brooch bouquets are finding their way into these generational clubs as well.

 be passed down generations and I think the brooch bouquets are

With lots of resources online and even locally at your disposal,you could go creative and design you own brooch bouquet for your big day.

Wouldn't that feel so good?!

Check out more Brooch bouquet inspiration below..


Wedding Bouquets Designs

Wedding Bouquets

Wedding Brooch Bouquets

Wedding Brooch Bouquets

Wedding Brooch Bouquets

Wedding Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets
Theres even a locket on this one,can you see it by the bottom right corner..

Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

All images belong to their owner
No copyright infringement intended*

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